
Anutza's Blog


September 2008

For fans

Maine seara la 19.00 pe Virgin Radio(mai nou Absolute Radio), concertul Coldplay din Munich!



Pt ca Laur traieste o chestie absolut din alta lume:)


New discovery

eu nu stiam de tanti asta. imi place. tocmai a avut concert in groningen:(

Dutch people

They’re actually better than I expected! Everybody was so…”oh…Dutch people are cold! It’s so difficult to get to know them!”…and I agree…it’s not actually a piece of cake(and actually, considering the weather, who could blame them???) but actually…I think it’s easier than knowing the French. Which seems weird, maybe it’s the language (I’m definitely more comfortable in English than I was in French at the beginning) but still…shouldn’t Latins be warmer? Of course…French people are quite special:)

Anyways…going back to the Dutch ones…it is true what’s said about them. They are very direct and kind of say anything they feel the need to. But honestly, I find this refreshing. Because most talks are most honest and you actually feel that!Plus you get the feeling that you actually know something about the person sitting in front of you, not just having chit-chat. I just watched how people who knew eachother for two weeks gave the most honest feedback ever…with all the good parts and the bad ones. And everybody took it natural and normal and gave it back the same way:)

Plus, they are very organized! Everyone has an agenda…and they’re quite using it! Actually, not even in VIP did I use an agenda as much as I use it here. 🙂 I am becoming more and more organized by the day! Hopefully, one day I will get to the point where I will catch all the right trains in teh right direction:)

And another gender equality has reached such a point that guys don’t have the simplest notion of being a gentleman. I mean, you know…the small stuff…holding the door open, letting the girl go first…this doesn’t happen here! And it’s not that they’re impolite…they’re just not educated that way and nobody cares about it! The girls don’t even notice it and they were surprised when I told them that I had noticed that:)

All in all, so far I have a thumbs up for Dutch people. Of course they are not all smiles and fun but still…so far so good. Hopefully, it’s gonna last:)

De la Tode

Asa mi-a placut ca am decis sa il popularizez:)


Si asta nu e de la Tode dar tot mi-a placut:)

Good feelings, bad feelings

Asa e mereu cand esti departe de cei dragi. Ups and downs. Tocmai am citit un mail de la vara-mea si m-a busit plansul:) Da era de bine numai ca na…parca asa as vrea sa fiu ubicua:)) (Toderitza, vezi ce cuvinte elevate folosesc? Sper ca esti mandra de mine:))

Si culmea e ca aici imi e bine. Mult mai bine decat ma asteptam. Ceea ce e bizar. But I don’t wanna jinx it!:)

S-a terminat fericirea!

Dupa doua saptamani remarcabile prin cantitatea infima de ploaie cazuta…azi a reinceput! Trist!:(

Cata enervare!

Ca n-am fost la concertul lui Leonard Cohen de acasa care am auzit ca a fost magnific! Ufff!!!:(

Zi buna

Ieri a fost o zi buna, desi cu nimic exceptionala. Dar a fost o zi din aia de eu cu mine doing nice stuff si it paid off:) Am invatat si am gatit si m-am conversat cu Tudo pe skype(acu o aud deja pe don’soara :”vezi ca daca vorbesti cu mine ti se face ziua mai buna?”:) ). Si seara am iesit la o plimbare cu bicla. Ma intrebam eu ce sa experimentez p-aici pe-aproape si mi-am adus aminte ca zicea Teodora ceva de un parc imens prin apropiere. L-am cautat si l-am gasit! Imens indeed! Si cu animale dragutze! Si cu scranciobe in care poti sa te dai fara sa te certe nimeni (sau sa te ameninte cu o amenda usturatoare!). Si cu poteci pe care poti sa te pierzi linistit, dupa care oricum revii la un loc cunoscut ca sunt facute circulare si mai devreme sau mai tarziu tot iesi la liman:)

Da…si dupa aceasta mirifica expeditie m-am intors acasa si am decis sa profit de VCR-ul baietilor. Am vizionat “Requiem for a Dream”, intr-o atmosfera nu tocmai prielnica unui asemenea film: baietii plecasera, eu inchisesem luminile in toata casa (ca de…sa creez atmosfera de film!), strada era pustie, si Irun imi pusese si efectele speciale ca sa fie sigur ca am parte de o experienta de neuitat:) Concluzia: am inteles de ce Tode ramasese socata dupa minunatia de film. Acuma, eu pricep de ce cineva poate spune ca i-a placut filmul asta, pt ca indeed e bun! Dar nu pricep why in God’s name ar vrea cineva sa il revada! Pinky cred ca ar trebui sa imi clarifice asta ca stiu ca ea era mare fana! Iar muzica ceea!! Care de fapt e f tare! Dar iti ramane in cap over and over again! Freakish!

Da…si ca sa inchei seara in vibe-uri mai bune, m-am uitat apoi la une pisod din Friends si am citit putin, si am adormit leganata de vise dragutze:) Pacat ca acu tre sa invat…ufffa…

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